Tuesday 21 August 2007

Invocation of Sorath

Sorath 666, O you who are the apocalyptical beast of fire, I, NN, call out your name and invoke you!

O you under whose footsteps galaxies dissolve into ashes, open wide the hidden and forbidden gates within the depths of my soul and tear asunder the shackles that bind the Beast within!

Sorath, O you who are the mightiest spawn of the flaming seed of Asmodeus and the evil lusts of our mistress Naamah, let your dreaded dawn of dark ascension now commence and burn my soul with the raising cold heat of your satanic will and desire!

Let your dissolving flames of the abyss consume all that is finite, and show this world of cosmic forms the horrifying face of the formless beast of infinite power!

Let your essence within my inner flame now rise like the black sun of Sitra Ahra that dawns at night, and through my spirit take the majestic fifth throne of azothic power!

Make my self as one with you and with my voice proclaim your, by the strong anticipated and by the weak feared, arrival!

Prince Sorath, I invoke you!

Rise up from the abyss and with the fires of the Wrathful Chaos destroy, dissolve and end the prevalent rule of this cosmic aeon!

Come to me, O you who are the harbinger of the dark endless aeon and bring forth your fire, evolution, truth, wisdom and bloody revolutions and, with merciless force, rape the innocence and ignorance that is left in this world!

Sorath, I call upon you!
O you who are the destroying flame of the abyssal black sun, with your fires of truth burn now asunder the veils of cosmic illusion and let the dawning of the black light's timeless aeon commence!

Mighty Sorath, rise up now within me and let me become the personification of your world incinerating power!
Open now the womb of darkness and let me be reborn into my darkside self and elevate my spirit through the cleansing and illumination that your brilliant and shadowless light bestows upon your elect!
Horned, black Lion-Demon of the sun, let my wrath fuel your volcanic ascension and violent uprising, and free me from all that stands in the way of the deification of the inner raging inferno of my spirit!

Unleash now the inner solar beast, which is the true essence of my own spirit's daimon, and let me become, like the destroying swords of the Dark Gods in battle, mighty, feared and victorious!

Liberate me from all the limitations of the ego that stand in the way of my anti-cosmic becoming and make me as one with that wrathful emanation of chaos which shall set ablaze the tree of lies!

Sorath, I call upon you!

O you who are the hidden black sun that shines within and illuminates the path of the strong and the elect of the Dark Gods, come now forth and open the gates of kliffotic power and acausal freedom!

In the name of Azerate, Sorath I invoke you!

Sorath, Liftoach Kliffot! (x11)